Friday, May 29, 2015

How to LOVE Oneself ?

As long as we do not accept who we are we cannot Love ourselves. How can you accept yourself with all your faults? The more you learn about who you really are from the inside, the more your intuition grows and the more you can start accepting and loving your outer self.

Your imperfections are what make you different. Without them you are nobody. You do not exist.  As you learn to Love your body and your mind with all its beauty and flaws, greatness will come your way. Once you come to accept the way you are, you embrace your whole, the foundation of who you truly are.

 To Love yourself just the way you are! Is it possible? Yes it is possible. Be aware of your other dimensional senses, the ones most people don't want to talk about and considered taboo; your Intuition, your Ego, your Subconscious Mind, Your Soul, and your Spirituality. You know, “the woo woo stuff”.

As you start Loving Life and Yourself, a warm feeling will descend into your heart and your mind will no longer torture you since it will be free of the negative thoughts brought to you from your social surroundings.

If we all looked and acted the same, life would have no meaning, no purpose. We would have no need to evolve and we would die from the inside, just as the Earth would disintegrate into ashes from the inside and out. Because the earth relies on us mostly – yes us. Human beings are the most precious energy.

When we start embracing our differences we embark on a journey of self-discovery and ultimately Self-Love. Your mind is more powerful than your body. As you learn to navigate your thoughts, good and bad, you will start accepting yourself for who you really are and suddenly, you start evolving to a better state that will bring you in contact with your inner voice, your soul.

The wise one that guides you in your life, your intuition, your soul that knows you better than yourself  is waiting gracefully for your awareness toward you and your inner self. 

Once reunited with your soul you can only create greatness which will come as long as you don’t give up on yourself. Your soul never gives up on you and always sends you messages. You just need to fine tune your station on the path of embracing your imperfections.

Ask yourself these questions

  • I wish I were different! Why?
  • How can I accept myself since I am not perfect?
  • Where do I start?
  • How can I start listening to my inner voice?

When you feel down because you don't like your image or you don't like your character,
Remember: there is a reason you are going through difficult times
It is to discover who you are.
Once you get to know yourself,
You can start loving all you are

*Every wrinkle has a story,
*Every wrinkle is a passageway to wisdom

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Tout au mieux, misérable dans le métro

Lorsque je suis dans le métro, je pense à quel point nous avons de la chance dans notre société moderne de pouvoir nous déplacer de longues distances rapidement par sous-terrain, sans avoir à combattre la circulation.

Ce chemin de fer souterrain est si pratique pour nous, les citadins. Et pourtant, lorsque je me trouve dans cet engin étonnant, je remarque que les gens autour de moi ne sourient pas. Tout le monde a un air si malheureux et déprimé.

 De temps à autres, on voit des jeunes gens rire et s'amuser, mais tout le monde les regarde comme s'ils venaient d'une autre planète. 

L’autre jour, un groupe de jeunes est entré dans le wagon dans lequel je me trouvais. J’en étais ravie car ils apportaient de la vie et beaucoup de joie. En regardant autour de moi je remarquais que la plupart des passagers étaient inconfortables et détournaient leur regard.

Je me demande... Pourquoi est-ce que les gens semblent si misérables dans le métro?

Est-ce parce qu'ils ressentent une déprime saisonnière? De la claustrophobie? Sont-ils stressés car ils craignent de se rendre au travail en retard? Sont-ils démoralisés du fait de se retrouver dans un tunnel sombre? Ou est-ce que la plupart des êtres humains sont malheureux? 

Est-ce que je remarque ce phénomène davantage dans le métro étant donné qu’un grand nombre de personnes se retrouve ensemble poussés par le besoin de se rendre à leur destination sans en avoir le choix? 

Suis-je plus en harmonie avec ce que je ressens et je peux donc ressentir presque instantanément ce que ressentent les gens autour de moi?

Mais tout n'est pas perdu. Nous pouvons quand même nous dérider dans le métro. Que pouvons-nous faire pour rendre le trajet plus amusant?

Nous costumer
Nous amuser
Prendre le métro sans porter de pantalons

Je m’encourage à faire rire les gens dans le métro et je vous incite à vous amuser la prochaine fois que vous prendrez le métro.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Anger the Emotion Kept Inside. Why Should You Release the Beast?

You are a calm person on the outside but something inside is brewing. Has you keep it in or you might not even realize it that you have rage deep inside of you bottle up.

Everybody has anger. We don’t know how to express the emotion since we have been programmed at an early age that it is a bad thing. 

We are unacceptable if we express our anger yet it is part of our human emotions (excitement, tenderness, scared, angry, sad, happy).

Those emotions we need to consider, they are our human traits that we should freely let go in a healthy way. 

From the minute we are born we explicit anger by crying for food, sleep, diaper change & love. It is primordial it is who we are.  

We need to let our children be aware by uttering their displeasure without feeling guilty about their emotions, so they can become well-adjusted adults that can use the freedom of their emotions to live a fulfilled life.

When you deny your feelings or make excuses for the other person instead of letting them know how you feel not only it hurts you, but you deny that person the opportunity to truly understand what is going on with you. If you express it right away it will be healthier for you than stewing for a long time.

Anger, impatience is a part of you, trying to control it will only make you more miserable you can even become violent if the emotion is not released and kept for too long.

It takes a lot of energy psychologically when you keep it all in. When rage is so severe and not considered, it acts out in violence and or addictions (screaming, stealing, raping & killing) (food, drugs, alcohol, phobia & self pity). Sentiments are not meant to be controlled they are mean to be voiced.

Denial of emotions is a mechanism to oneself to protect oneself from harm repressed from childhood memories that were very traumatic. When we keep our rage inside because we fear not meeting social standards, anger becomes like a pressure cooker ready to explode and causes depression even deadly diseases.

The sooner you let go the sooner you feel better.

  •       Knowing that anger is a normal part of life
  •     Find the problem (what is making me so angry inside)
  •     Let it out in your own way (punching bag, scream on top of a mountain, TALK, )
  •     Let yourself grieve or even cry
  •     Forgiveness of yourself & those that did you harm