I need to make changes in my
life. Too better myself. But how can I reverse those negative thoughts in my
head? Those pesky thoughts that still
linger in my subconscious mind.
I am scarred it is a difficult
task. I must change so much in my life. I have to start all over again. I
am tired of starting all over again and again. I know I can do it. I have done
it in the past.
Don’t care what people think.
Steer clear of people that bring me down.
You little monster in my head I appreciate your thoughts now move on and
let me be. My cute cuddly monster thank you for bringing me positiveness and
wisdom to all my thoughts.
Subconscious mind rid of my
entire past inner child selfless downward blacken energy. Make me the master of
my fate the captain of my soul. Love thyself flourish like a flower grow and
better myself.
Feel more confident feel more
energized go out there and conquer the world.
Love myself in return accomplish all possibilities of inner child dreams
to wisdom thoughts and spiritually of adulthood.
Wow I feel revived. I desire
Life. I feel great. I feel beautiful. Nothing can stop me now. I can conquer it
all by one simple task…. What is that first step?
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