Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Achieving Your Calling

The Six Elements

I realized that to become my TRUE SELF and to BE HAPPY, there are 6 steps that I need to pursue to find my calling. These 6 steps are the key that unlocks your inner core values, which you'll ultimately reach by arriving at your destination in correlation with your soul.

What is your soul? 

Your soul is your best friend, your confidant, your guidance; it is there to help you navigate throughout life and to find your purpose. We all have a purpose, we just don’t know all of us what it is. Some might never find it and get lost with sorrow, hatred, drugs, alcohol, stress, violence, possessiveness and negativity.  Yet all these factors can be changed with one simple question: 

“Why am I not happy”?

You can follow these 6 simple steps & find your true calling. The ride isn't always smooth, there are many bumps on the road and fear will come your way.  Embrace fear as your heart starts racing, run, leap over those gaping holes that are blocking your way toward your DESTINATION, to reach your dreams.

To be fearful is a normal sensation as you start looking beyond the void. FLOWERS will emerge from the fissures on your path and you will flourish into a beautiful being. You can hesitate in front of the passage, but eventually, you need to leap over it. Once you have reached the other side, a mountain of possibilities will open up and you will realize that it wasn’t that horrifying after all. On the other hand, fear becomes a deep AWARENESS of internal achievement rising from your inner self.

 What are the 6 elements?



Our body is a gift from nature and it starts with BETTER HEALTH because we are physical beings and we need our bodies to function properly for our mind to be clear to pursue our dreams.

Our meals have an impact on how we feel physically & psychologically. Mostly what our body needs is good wholesome food given from nature. A little indulgence is all right every now and then and we can enjoy what comes from humans’ creations – but just in small doses.  Water is where we come from, what we are made of; we need to consume water as it is essential for a healthy body.

Consider taking the time to eat with loved ones by implementing good WHOLESOME FOOD & conversation. The body needs time to itself to heal properly.  Find food that suits your needs in correlation with your body, it will regenerate cells and grow stronger. It is a gift to yourself to be able to enjoy life fully. 

Without your health, life on the Blue planet is much harder to achieve to its fullest potential. As I started EATING BETTER my energy has considerably augmented and my mind started to clear up.


Take the time to CLEAR YOUR MIND so your insanity can exit & your mind can exist. Consider getting help. There is no shame in getting guidance – it will only make you stronger. If you are psychologically devastated, that is all right. Nobody is completely sane. Consider the need to go back to your past infant life to realize what was wrong and what was right. Come to terms with it and move onward.

Forgiveness is a big word yet many people cannot come to term. You need to forgive whoever did you wrong. FORGIVENESS is for you to be able to live your life fully so that anger does not take control over you. Your hatred will only be devastating to yourself, not to the individual who hurt you. Beware: hate can consume you like a virus, eventually killing you slowly with pain and despair.

Forgiveness opens up a doorway of an energy that is so POWERFUL it takes away all the pain and despair that was left in you. And only then you can continue your life with the freedom to choose what is best for you. In return, you will receive the gift of love that you'll give to yourself unconditionally. As one cannot love another completely until they love themselves completely.

The mind needs to find its bliss.

Ask yourself what interests you the most?

Your CREATIVE MIND can be in the form of art, music, dance, writing, exercising, architecture and science.  Relaxation is another component in achieving a clear mind. It can take many forms; time to yourself, doing nothing, laughing, making love, enjoying your pet, hugging your child, creative visualization, meditation, EFT (emotional freedom technique).

For me, a mixture of these forms of relaxations helped clear my mind. Enjoying the PRESENT MOMENT, just as a toddler looking at life for the first time. APPRECIATING every moment made me enjoy life again. My bliss of creativity comes from writing and walking. They really relax me, even more, they inspire me. Meditation gave me the chance to heal my mind. Time to myself is key for my sanity.


Your intuition your GUT FEELING is never wrong. Once you follow your intuition, the cosmos will align with you. Your dreams, your true calling starts arriving at your door, which opens up, to a new life filled with passion, and desires, giving you a purpose for living. In the present moment, you will be connected with your wiser self, your soul.

How can you figure out your intuition?

You know when you come to a fork in the road and you need to choose which way to go.  Learn to trust your INNER VOICE, not the one from your mind the one from your gut feeling that is intuition. 

Have you ever said to yourself “I should have listened to my INTUITION”? Months, years have passed, but you remember that your inner voice was right after all. Everybody has had this feeling. It is your primal instinct, you wiser-self sharing with you what is best for the both of you. Our inner voice is in our body, in our chest, in our heart.

Beware: the ego feeds off your fear. It tells us a different story. It is the other voice in our conscious mind: “you cannot do it”, "you are not worthy", "you are not strong enough", "you are not smart" "you are not beautiful", and so on… When you don’t listen to your intuition and time has passed, there is always regret and the ego takes advantage of the situation and tells you "I told you so".

When you get that gut retching feeling, follow your intuition because at that moment the cosmos aligns with you. It is only present for a moment since the universe is always moving and colliding. If you do not take action, the universe disperses and moves on. 

But if you take action the universe aligns for a moment in time that is expanded since your energy is in sync directly with the galactic stars that create a stream of light very powerful beaming above you and right at you. We are all connected to the universe and when our energy is harmonized all is possible.


Only when you will have started the 3 first steps will you discover what is your life’s purpose. Very challenging for some while others are aligned at an early age.  

What is your purpose in life?  

Purpose ignites you – it is that PASSION within you that fires you up like a shooting star across the sky. It is simple although we seem to make it hard on ourselves. But why? Society tells us that we should all live by its standards, yet that cannot be since we are all different & UNIQUE. 

Our parents love us and want the best for us but sometimes they rely on you to make their dreams come true.  A lack of love or guidance can dissuade a child from perusing their dreams, which is set in his sub-conscious mind and stagnates into his adult life to protect him from the harms of childhood pain.

Religion can be another big false sense of hope when people abuse its power. Instead of guidance, it brings us to question everything about our lives and confuses us even more.  

We have all followed our friend’s advice and not relied on our gut feeling that took us away from our dreams. We would then get mad at the other person that stirred us away or mad at ourselves for not listening to OURSELVES. These situations make us question our true purpose in life.

Judgment is the wrath that we all fear. Being judged by others scares us and prevents us from following our purpose in life. Once we don’t fright judgment anymore, the purpose of our lives opens up to us, creating a pathway of SURRENDER, CREATIVITY, and FREEDOM.

How to find your purpose in life
  • What are you most afraid of in life?
  • If you had an illness and you knew you only had 6 months to live what would you do?
  • If fear or money would not be a factor in your life what would you do?
  • What is it that makes you feel passionate in life?


BOOST your self-esteem, because, without it, you cannot achieve your dreams. [1]Do not confuse self-esteem with what others think of you. It is all about what you think of yourself. 

How to boost your self-esteem? 
[2]Have a conversation with your past inner child. Let him or her know that you are sorry that you neglected it, that you will support it with whatever comes its way and that you love it deeply and unconditionally.

Why do we have low self-esteem? 
[3]Old patterns are comfortable familiar places where we feel a false sense of security. If the pain is so deep, our conscious mind will protect us from harm just like when we were a child. However, the traumatic event is hidden away in the subconscious mind in order for us to be able to function in our lives.

It took me a long time to figure this out since I could not understand why we do things to ourselves that we know are not good for us. As I saw my mother suffer so much from low self–esteem, I can understand her better today and I appreciate her deeply for showing me the way to better myself.

How to figure out what is your degree of self-esteem?

·      Low

Everything people say makes you feel inadequate. Criticism hurts your feelings deeply and you let people get to you every time.  You are terrified of change and procrastination is your best friend. At this moment in your life, you are not pursuing your true passion.

·      Medium

You hear everything people say, but you move on. Criticism hurt your feelings and people get to you sometimes. You are afraid of change yet you contemplating it and procrastination is now your enemy. At this moment in your life, change is a must and you have started pursuing your passion.


You hear everything people say but it does not affect you anymore. Criticism is taken in and you choose what you should do to better yourself. You are afraid of the challenge within yet procrastination is not your boss anymore. At this point in your life, you are pursuing your passion. 

My self-esteem came from having a BETTER HEALTH, a CLEAR MIND, FOLLOWING my INTUITION, HAVING A PURPOSE in life, EXCITEMENT in learning, APPRECIATING others & LOVING myself.


    Achieving your DREAMS is not just a word – it is a thought, an emotion, a passion, a desire. It is the purpose of your life on the Blue planet. Without dreams, humans cannot remain as we are, attracted to the wonders of IMAGINATION. We are wired to search for our potential self and fulfill our inner purpose. 
    Our purpose has grown with the evolution of time on our Blue planet. The continuous evolution of the mind in connection with our soul is the key to our survival as a species. Imagine the possibilities if everybody followed their dreams. We would live our lives united together with peace, harmony, happiness and love.  

     All my dreams have not been accomplished yet, but just the fact that I allow myself to imagine, feel, pursue my passions in my life gives me a sense of hope that makes me very happy and content. It gives me FREEDOM in my MIND and LOVE in my SOUL. Keep on Dreaming!

[1] Seven Spiritual Laws Of Success by Deepak Chopra
[2] Creative Connection For Women (Group Workshop) by Rosaruby Glaberman
[3] Revolution From Within by Gloria Steinem

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

"Darkness Surrounds Me" How Can I Break Free?