Monday, August 4, 2014

How Do I Feel Today?

How do you feel today?

I see everything differently now.  Peace comes to mind which fills my heart with love instead of sorrow. I cherish what life has given me - a brain, a body that functions mostly pretty damn well.

I am grateful to be able to listen to music, to talk with other people, listen to the birds sing, walk in the park, eat yummy food, and sleep in my comfortable bed with a roof over my head and running water at my disposal.

I don’t feel angry all the time, anymore. I see the beauty and potential in every person I meet. I appreciate every moment for the now. Free now from the shackles of misery that kept me from living my best potential self.

Suddenly Love is all around me. I discovered a new me. Actually, it was the inner child in me that has come back to life. Today, I have the choice and the courage to say No when I don’t feel like it. To make my own choices in life and feel good about them is riveting, inspiring. I feel free.

My connection is so much better with family and friends, of course not perfect, but that is what makes life so interesting. We are all different human beings living in an imperfect world searching for the meaning of life, with no judgment, acceptance and most of all love.

I feel beautiful, sexy, intelligent, pampered, privileged with what life has given me.  My goals & aspirations are to help all humans on my path to realizing that they are special and radiant in every craziness, condition, and proportion.

I am happy to live life without constant headaches, migraines, and depressions most of the time. Ecstatic to be able to do simple tasks again but mostly privileged to be here on planet earth with all its magnificence.

There can be war, famine, and cruelty in the world yet the other side of it is peace, freedom, sharing and gatherings. I see light instead of darkness, love instead of hatred, and peace instead of anxiety. I respect myself and love myself unconditionally. These are the first feelings in healing from a dark place.

My life is completely different now. I respect my body and cravings. I don’t feel shame or guilt. I know it is possible to achieve my dreams and my aspirations. My reality is what I make it. Nothing can stop me. I feel fearless. I feel strong with the love and guidance from my inner guide.

We live in an individualized society yet we need each other for community, acceptance, and support. We all need encouragement in our lives. My first step was to admit to myself that I needed guidance, support, and help. My second step was to get that guidance, support, and help.

There is magic in the air. If you can catch it then you are in tune with your body and mind. I discovered my Pandora’s Box. My Pandora’s Box has opened magically to me now. It is slowly revealing wonderful secrets of myself that were buried in a dark place waiting for the light to appear. Since then I have been in tune with myself and my sacred box keeps on surprising me.

After searching for so long, here I am vulnerable yet strong, giving my all to the world,  in return discovering myself. Appreciating life in all its glory and not focusing on the bad stuff in life. It is a balance that I have and will continue to try to maintain as life throws curve balls to me. I realize, I am & will always be learning from myself and others to maintain my Ying and Yang.